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Smart grid replication: handbook for India

J.P. Chaves, P. Bhagwat, R. Cossent, S. Kundu, S. Ravi Kumar, T. Gómez


India has embarked on an ambitious sustainable development pathway by applying a multipronged approach spanning several sectors from developing smart cities to enabling electric vehicles. In the power sector, it is necessary to transform and prepare the grid at both the transmission and distribution levels to ensure the success of India’s sustainability journey. Implementation of innovative smart grid projects will enable India to reach its ambitious sustainability goals. However, a multitude of challenges in rolling out these novel solutions on a nationwide scale continue to persist. The handbook contains insights and tools that will aid implementation and replication of innovative smart grid projects in India. Therefore, this handbook provides its readers with the following: Insights into opportunities and barriers in replicating smart grid projects in India; A framework for selecting use cases based on their relevance to India; The CBA tool to assess the costs and benefits of smart grid use cases in India; The SRA tool to assess the scalability and replicability of smart grid use cases in India; Insights from applying the above mentioned tools to both European and Indian case studies.

Spanish layman's summary:

Handbook sobre experiencias de redes inteligentes que se han realizado en Europa y su posible aplicación en el contexto de la India. Se pone especial énfasis en las metodologías para el análisis coste-beneficio y la escalabilidad y replicabilidad de las soluciones.

English layman's summary:

Handbook on smart grid experiences in Europe that can be transferred to the Indian context. A special focus of the report is on cost-benefit and scalability and applicability methodologies.


Funding entity: Far-Sighted Regulation Global Association.

Publication date: 01-07-2022


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